VI Seminario sobre propiedad intelectual comparada: Law on Video Games and their Role as Cultural Heritage


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Curso de Extensión ULL
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Video games are complex works of art that include computer program creations (software, graphical elements, musical compositions, sound recordings, other copyright-protected subject matter, and sometimes performances) by artists. Video games are also one of the most important entertainment products. It is perhaps not surprising that our first thought is not to preserve games and the elements linked to their development and the gaming experience. It might not be too much of an exaggeration to say that we might not think of video games primarily as cultural heritage. Yet, if we consider the complex inner world of games and the social groups that play them, it is quite appropriate to examine whether they could be subject to the limitations and exceptions laid down in the copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM) Directive (Directive 2019/790), whether they are worthy of preservation and whether there are institutions whose activities are aimed at collecting, organizing, archiving and making them available for cultural purposes. Not only are video games worthy of preservation, but there are also institutions that systematically collect them. In fact, to turn the question around, video games themselves can play an important role in the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage.

All in all, in the current lecture the copyright norms on Video Games will be introduced, and we will analyze the question of whether Video Games are parts of the cultural heritage and if so, what tools can be used to preserve them.
  • Jueves 11:00 13:00
  • István Harkai
Metodología docente
El seminario será una exposición teórico-práctica en lengua inglesa, con participación activa del alumnado.
  • Law on Video Games and their Role as Cultural Heritage

    17 de noviembre de 2002, 11:00 - 13:00 h.
    Imparte: István Harkai. Profesor Adjunto de Derecho de la Universidad de Szeged.

Criterios de evaluación
Asistencia participativa.

CERTIFICADO DE ASISTENCIA: La ULL, a través del Vicerrectorado de Cultura, Participación Social y Campus Ofra y La Palma, emitirá un certificado de asistencia a todas aquellas personas que participen, previa inscripción en la actividad.
Actividad de Extensión Universitaria organizada por la Cátedra Cultural «Francisco Tomás y Valiente», con la colaboración del Aula Cultural «Radio Campus», Docencia en Derecho Civil y Asociación cultural de relaciones internacionales «Hacer para el Desarrollo».
Tipos de Inscripción
No existen tipos de inscripción vigentes. Para cualquier duda contacte con la Secretaría de la Fundación.